This section describes the high-level journeys of key participants in the PEDS solution. The intention is to contextualize core experiences allowing solution providers to further understand the usage context of the base requirements. Additional key journeys will be identified during MVP development. This list is intended to provide a general contextual view of key user interaction points with the solution and to assist with the understanding of the functional requirements listed in subsequent sections of this document.

The base user journeys focus on the following user groups:

  • Subscribers: The pediatric patient between the ages of 0 - 18, and their parents/caregivers. They utilize the mobile medical app version of PEDS to review user friendly and age appropriate medical content, send/receive communication with the healthcare provider, and use the journal feature for notes and questions.
  • Healthcare Providers: The target market of the subscription based SaaS PEDS web site includes doctors and nurses, doctor’s offices and private medical clinics who are involved in the medical care of children patients
  • System Administrators: This user group manages the administration and overall operations management of the solution.
  • Customer Support: This user group provides technical help and how-to support for users who subscribe to the PEDS service.

Subscriber Journeys

This section describes the base needs to support the Subscriber of the mobile medical app who are the pediatric patients and their parents/caregivers.

Subscriber Journeys

Subscribers will be able to download the mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play using their Apple ID or Google Play ID and will access the subscription via in-app purchases. Note: the initial proof of concept version of PEDS mobile app should be private (not released in the mobile app store).
Subscribers will be charged each renewal period depending on the subscription terms (ie: monthly). They can cancel their subscription either in the subscription settings on the iOS device or the subscription section on Google Play on Android. Subscribers will need to enable Family Sharing to share PEDS new subscriptions with family members. Payment methods for the mobile app will be tied to the Apple ID or Google Play payment method. Promotional subscription packages could be offered initially to assist with gaining traction, including a ‘free trial’ period promotional package.
Subscribers will need to register a profile, unique for each family member, by creating a username and strong password. Subscribers can also receive an invitation email from their Healthcare Provider with a link to download the application.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) will be supported to further enhance the security of the user account. Reviewing app terms and conditions and privacy policy will be required fields for account creation. All subsequent user logins will require the username, password and 2FA token code.The mobile app will have self-managed options for password reset, lost password recovery and 2FA setup features.
Upon registration, the mobile app should provide a brief interactive app tour using tooltips and interactive product guides directly in the UI to introduce users to the features and to support interactive user onboarding. After the subscriber has successfully registered, they can begin to set up the app and modify their profile and features. Patient profiles must have a system identifier in the PEDS system that will enable the linking of patient profiles between the mobile app and the web app, based on a unique identifier value (such as PHIN).

Profile Setup

Subscribers will use PEDS for search access to curated, age appropriate medication information that is specific to their medical condition. To ensure that they are getting the appropriate content, they must first set up their profile details which will be utilized by the AI to correctly classify, sort and display curated information. Each user account will allow patients and family members to add information, including:
  • Demographic information such as name, gender, sex, date of birth, address, phone number, email address
  • Contact preferences for communications, including email, text, and in-app notifications and alerts
  • Health information such as PHIN, health conditions, weight, height, blood type, blood pressure, etc.
  • Each user will have the option to create a customizable avatar to visually represent them within the app
  • Users will have the option to integrate their wearable health device with the mobile app to gather real time data

App Features

Search Information: The PEDS app will allow the user to search a database of medical information using key search terms, and filtering on specific criteria to refine the results. All medical information displayed to the user will be curated through search patterns, and will be age-appropriate and is easily understood by their age group.
Journal: The journal feature provides a place for patients and families to keep a health related diary and add related notes, questions and medical concerns. The journal can be sent to the healthcare provider for review.
Communications: Users will be able to send and receive secure and confidential messages with their physician or healthcare provider through the app. Messages will be encrypted end-to-end to prevent anyone other than the sender and recipient from monitoring the conversation.
Integrated Devices: The users will have the option to set up and link a wearable device to the PEDS application. This is an opt-in process where the user can choose to connect their wearable device and can choose which data they want to send to the PEDS app. Before setting up the wearable device, users need to have already registered their user account, downloaded the PEDS app and linked the wearable device through the device and phone settings.
Help: The user will have the ability to view help and FAQ style information within the mobile app, and if they have further issues or questions, they can submit a support request through the app. This support ticket will go to the Site Admin/Customer Support team for resolution.

Healthcare Provider Journey

This section describes the base needs to support the Healthcare Provider users of the SaaS web based app who are pediatric doctors, nurses and private pediatric medical clinics, involved in the medical care of pediatric patients.

Subscriber/Clinic Registration and User Account

Healthcare Providers will access the web app from the PEDS website and will purchase a monthly subscription through a tier 1 payment provider who is fully PCI DSS compliant. They will have the option to store their card on file, and select auto-renewing subscriptions. Subscribers will be charged each renewal period depending on the subscription terms (ie: monthly). They can cancel their subscription at any time and contact PEDS to ensure the proper disposal of PHI. The subscription supports multiple user accounts for one medical clinic under one subscription, to allow access for both clinic support staff and healthcare providers all access to the application.
To register Healthcare providers and clinic staff will need to create a user account, provide contact details, and agree to terms and conditions. Two-factor authentication will be supported to further enhance the security of the user account. Reviewing app terms and conditions and privacy policy will be required fields for account creation. All subsequent user logins will require the username, password and 2FA token code.The mobile app will have self-managed options for password reset, lost password recovery and 2FA setup features.
Upon registration, the web app should provide a brief interactive app tour using tooltips and interactive product guides directly in the UI to introduce users to the features and to support interactive user onboarding. After the provider has successfully registered, they can begin to set up the app and modify their profile, add clinic information and utilize features.

Profile and Clinic Setup

Healthcare providers and clinic staff will need to create unique profiles for themselves, and also create a clinic profile. Both users can set up their individual contact preferences for communications, including email and text SMS notifications.
  • The healthcare provider user profile will allow them to add profile information, including provider name, phone number, email address, provider billing number, provider type (ie: physician, general practitioner, nurse practitioner, etc), start date, end date and create a custom avatar.
  • The clinic staff user profile will allow them to add profile personal information, including name, address, phone number, email address, as well as have the ability to update provider and clinic information

The clinic profile will contain information on the private medical clinic by entering the following information:

  • Clinic name, clinic primary contact, address, clinic identifier, email address, phone number, fax number. The medical clinic will allow for multiple healthcare providers to practice at a single >clinic.
Once both the healthcare provider, clinic staff and clinic profiles have been created and set up, the clinic staff can either do a bulk import of PEDS patient data to create new patient profiles, or individually create new patient profiles. Patient profiles must have a unique identifier in the PEDS system that will enable the linking of patient profiles between the mobile app and the web app, based on a unique identifier value (such as PHIN).
Patient profiles will have demographics including name, DOB, age, address, phone number, email address, sex, gender, personal health care number. The will also include patient related medication information such as current medical conditions, weight, height, blood type, BP, Blood 02, head circumference, etc. This information can be updated by both clinic staff, healthcare providers, or the patient/caregiver themselves through the mobile app.

Web App Features

Patient Search: There is a patient search that allows clinic staff or healthcare providers to search using the patients’ unique identifier value (ie PHIN), patient name, and demographic information (ie: DOB). The clinic staff will only see patient demographic and profile information, and the healthcare provider will be able to see more details including health statistics, medical information, and integrated wearable device information.
Communications: Providers will be able to send and receive secure and confidential messages with their patient or the parent/caregiver through the web app. Messages will be encrypted end-to-end to ensure compliance with personal healthcare information legislation and prevent anyone other than the sender and recipient from monitoring the conversation.
This secure communication feature allows the physician to correspond with the patient or their caregiver directly, by integrating the healthcare mobile app with the doctors web-based software platform. The user will be able to send a new message with the title, description, and select the patient either from a dropdown list or through a search of available patients. Messages will feature the user avatar of the sender beside the message to clearly show who sent the information.
Integrated Device Information: If the patients have set up and linked a wearable device to the PEDS mobile application, the PEDS web app will be able to access specific medical information about the patient, including steps, calorie burn, Bp, HR, BO2, etc. This information will be saved to the patient profile and be available to view by the healthcare provider in a patient dashboard area. Further analysis will need to take place to determine what user health information the wearable device is sending to the app and ensure its the same for both iOS and Android.
Help: Users will have the ability to view help and FAQ style information within the web app, and if they have further issues or questions, they can submit a support request through the app. This support ticket will go to the Site Admin/Customer Support team for resolution.

System Administrator Journey

This section describes the base user journey for the administration and overall operations management of the mobile app and web-based solutions. System Administrators will have access to a secure web-based portal supported by role-based permissions enabling them to view/manage:

  • Subscriptions
  • Payments
  • Web and Mobile App Analytics
  • System configuration including PHIA related security requirements
For the pilot, providing an intuitive and scalable Admin user interface will be important. System Administrator users will have secure login and two-factor authentication (2FA) for security of user accounts and information. There will be options for the Admin users to self manage password resets and lost password requests. Site administration will include provisioning, configuration and releasing of updates to the mobile app, and management of the web site application including site updates, system patches, and releases.
The Admin portal will feature graphical visualizations to provide insights and trending for key elements through focused dashboards. In addition, Admins should be able to export raw data from the system for offline review
System Administrators will have a unique account consisting of a username and strong password. Two-factor authentication (2FA) will be supported to further enhance the security of the user account. All subsequent user logins will require the username, password and 2FA token code, and will have audit logging to ensure Record of User Activity (RoUA) requirements are met.

Mobile App Dashboards

The mobile app dashboards will feature analytics information including app store performance, product page views, total downloads, proceeds, sessions per active device, and app crashes. It will also be able to monitor app subscription activities including paid subscribers, renewing subscriptions, daily subscription sales, etc. There will be the option to run predefined reports on payment details and the option to export payment data.

Web App Dashboard

The web app dashboard will feature subscription information, including total subscription by type, subscription management features including cancellations, suspensions, edit of subscription status, review of subscriber event/history. It will also have payment processing information including payment status, payment amount, payment method, transaction ID, subscription renewal date, subscription status, payment date and time. There will be the option to run predefined reports on payment details and the option to export payment data.

Security and PHIA Dashboard

The security dashboard will contain information and settings for 2FA settings management, notifications of failed login attempts including location and login credentials, audit logs to monitor security related changes made by any Administrator user
The PHIA Dashboard will have options for the site Administrator to fulfill PHIA obligations including providing a PHI Request export, RoAU logging reports, and data to satisfy both random and focused audits. There will be an internal process for conducting random audits used to identify possible inappropriate access by users and for focused audits, including triggers, frequency, and notification to inform system users that an audit is taking place.